Transparency and Secrecy: Unveiling the Practices of Vietnam’s Headhunting Firms

In recent years, Vietnam's headhunting industry has undergone significant transformations to adapt to the evolving job market. Here's an overview of the current practices in Vietnam's headhunting firms, focusing on the balance between transparency and secrecy. Evolving Practices in Vietnamese Headhunting Firms Diversity and Inclusion: Modern headhunting services in Vietnam prioritize sourcing candidates with a broad range of skills and experiences. This approach requires headhunters to be highly trained and professional, capable of adapting to various industries and corporate cultures. The aim is to help businesses solve complex recruitment challenges by finding versatile candidates who can integrate well into new environments. Data-Centric Recruiting : The adoption of technology in recruitment, particularly data-centric methods, is becoming more prevalent in Vietnam. This trend involves using data obtained through technological tools for planning and decision-making in ca...